
Let's pulse & find your groove - together! 

Stand tall and proud with your shoulders back after dedicating time to improve your posture and alignment in this fusion of ballet, Pilates and yoga. Meet us at the barre!


Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport (100 Devonshire Place, Toronto) - Fitness Studio

Athletic Centre (55 Harbord St., Toronto) - Dance Studio


Students: U of T students paying incidental fees for the current term can access this program at no additional cost. 

Members: Anyone who has a current Sport & Rec membership can access this programming at no additional cost.

Schedule & Important Information:

Summer 2024 Schedule - Tues. Jul 2 to Sun. Sep. 1, 2024


7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.

(GC Fitness Studio)

Instructor: Ela D.


10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.

(GC Fitness Studio)

Instructor: Rachel T. 

6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.

(GC Fitness Studio)

Instructor: Courtney H.

6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.

(GC Fitness Studio)

Instructor: Rachel G.


class sign-up no longer required

Come and join us during scheduled program hours below. There will be program staff on site monitoring and managing capacity as needed. 


Upcoming adjustments to this group fitness schedule will be listed below:

  • Wed. Jul. 17: CLASS CHANGE from Barre to Yoga at 6:30 p.m. at GC Fitness Studio

Rachel G: Rachel has been teaching barre for over 5 years and is thrilled to be on the U of T Fitness & Performance Team! Having danced competitively from childhood until her early twenties, Rachel found herself disillusioned with exercise never able to find a type of movement that fed her urge to move and sweat, while also remaining challenging. She found barre several years ago and has been hooked ever since. And she hopes that you too will fall in love with the elegance and deceptive challenge barre is. As an instructor, her goal is to empower you to feel strong and in your own body, while also listening to some great tunes. 

Rachel T: Rachel is one of our newest instructors holding down the Monday lunch time spot! Rachel is an avid gym goer over the last 2 years and enjoys playing sports, including horseback riding, badminton, volleyball and more! They are a 3rd year undergraduate student at U of T, studying psychology with a minor in education. It is their first year teaching and they are loving it! 

Courtney H: Courtney is a Masters of Physical Therapy student who is passionate about moving through life. She grew up as a competitive dancer but after high school quickly became fascinated in how she can use her strength training to support her dancing career and body/movement longevity. Courtney fosters a positive and uplifting environment in each of her workout classes dedicated to reaching your movement potential while improving your technique and execution of movement. She hopes through her classes you are able to see long-term improvements in your physical and mental fitness journey. 

Ela D: This is Ela's first year instructing Barre but she is no stranger to the studio. Ela was previously a professional dancer and gymnastics coach, which is why she fell in love with Barre. In Ela's classes, she hopes to get everyone out of their heads and back in the present moment. 

A full-body, muscle endurance workout inspired by elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates. 

45-minute class.

Each class will start with a friendly intro from the instructor, leading into a dynamic warmup. 

Class will move through a series of exercises targeting major muscle groups - glutes, legs, back, core, arms. 

Every class will finish with deep stretching and closing greeting. 

All members - U of T students paying incidental fees for the current term; Active Sport & Rec members. 

Can be adapted to be beginner friendly or more advanced. 

Instructors are able to provide modifications for varying abilities. 

All equipment will be provided, including mats, light weights, Pilates balls, sliders, bands, equalizer bars, and more! 

No special clothing is required. Wear something you can move comfortably in. Barre is usually practiced in socks or barefoot. 

Indoor activity. 

Max. 35 participants (GC Fitness Studio & AC Dance Studio) 

Ratio: 1 to 25-35 


Spring 2024 Group Fitness Schedule:

Spring schedule

Summer 2024 Group Fitness Schedule:


Email us at for additional information.